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TribeologyBlog.com – Episode #532 – Create Something to Share.

2-Tuesday - Content & Consistency become the vibe behind your tribe with consistent content Blog content Content DoingInfinity get customers to know like and trust you goals Loyalty marketing small business marketing ideas Success tips Tribe Building tribebuilding turn customers into a tribe

Grab Your Free Gift: The 5 C’s of the Infinity Marketing Machine


“Sometimes you need to think about the result, not about the process…”

Tuesday: Content and Consistency

You need to create consistent content for your tribe.  In fact, even before they become a tribe you must position yourself as the Subject Matter Expert in your field so your tribe has someone to follow!  The best way to accomplish this is via original content.


This is easier said than done!

I know, I’ve said it before, content is your gift.  It’s your way of sharing information with your tribe that they really want to hear… but you’re tired and burned out and someone just yelled at your and writing anything sounds like the worst thing on the planet… let alone getting in front of a camera with my happy face to tell the world how great my business is… so then what?


Remember, not every piece of content you product will be your best.  It’s simply impossible… but, your tribe will love you anyway.  Actually, they’ll appreciate hearing from you.  If you don’t show up they’ll miss you.  This is the reason you need to create your content consistently.

Thinking of today’s inspiration… what is the result of our content?

Hummmmmm…… Our goal is to build trust with customers.  Trust happens when they “trust” we’ll show up on their newsfeed or in their email box.  Trust happens when we share our knowledge.

Another Hummmm…. Our other goal is to find customers that know and like us…. well, when we write they learn a little about us (like me and my obsession with chocolate chip cookies)…. and we like them because of their crazy personalities.  (Or nice sweet reserved personalities – not me) – but you get my point, when you produce content regularly, the outcome is that your customers begin to know you and like you.

Therefore, our ultimate goal is to transition customers to a tribe that knows, likes, and trusts us AND all three of these things happens with CONSISTENT content… let’s focus on the result and get out there and create something to share.


Tomorrow… come back for my episode “Week in Review”!
PS:  Like my vibe? I want you to join my tribe! Begin with my quick and simple guide to understanding the 5C’s of the Infinity Marketing Machine.  I call it #doinginfinity.  Click Here and I’ll email you a FREE download.


Infinity Marketing Machine Daily Topics:
Monday – Character (Subject Matter Expert)
Tuesday – Content & Consistency
Wednesday – Midweek Motivation
Thursday – Infinity Customers
Friday – Big Money
Saturday – Try This!
Sunday – Week in Review

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