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ProfitCenterCoach.com – Episode 511 – Water the Fake Plants to Grow Real Cash.

5- Friday - Big Money behind the scenes posts Blog content build tribe loyalty Content Creative DoingInfinity marketing national carbonated beverage with caffeine day national ice cream day national indiana day pretend water fake plants. Real world small business owner advice Success tips Tribe Building

“My fake plants died because I did not pretend to water them.”~ Mitch Hedberg

Friday: Big Money Small Change

Let’s take a look at a post I saw online this past summer.

It’s celebrating National Ice Cream Day and it’s a cookie store.  Does the store sell ice cream?  Nope.

Just in case you don’t think you can make money promoting a “National Day Of…” that does not relate directly to your business… look at this


As you get more creative with your post think of this one… I love this company. The gal is an artist with frosting.  Look at how adorable these cookies are!  They taste yummie too.

But they don’t sell ice cream.  However, looking at the photo, you see just how creative they are with their marketing.

Here’s a challenge:

Today is National Indiana day… that should be easy for some of you in Indiana… or that have customers from Indiana.

Today is also National Fast Food — that might be a little more difficult… but imagine if you can see a fast food place out the window from your desk?  It’s OK to wish them a Happy Fast Food Day.  Even exercise facilities have “cheat days”!

I’ve got to tell you, Monday is National Carbonated Beverage with Caffeine Day!  YES… I’ll celebrate that one!  But maybe you have a soda machine you visit… it’s OK to make a silly post to just show you’re human.

What I’m trying to say is don’t let your fake plants die because you haven’t pretend watered them.  Let your tribe celebrate with you!  Sometimes silly works.  (PS:  From the dork files… when I was a kid, my parents went out of town and left me the job of watering the plants, hummm much to my surprise, many were fake!  Still watered them… oops)

So don’t actually water fake plants, but doing small things like showing your “behind the scenes” will pay off via loyalty with your tribe.


Tomorrow… come back for my episode on “Try This”!
PS:  Like my vibe? I want you to join my tribe! Begin with my quick and simple guide to understanding the 5C’s of the Infinity Marketing Machine.  I call it #doinginfinity.  Click Here and I’ll email you a FREE download.



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