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TribeologyBlog.com – Episode #577 – The Reason You Don’t Want People to Open Your Email

5- Friday - Big Money Blog content clean up your email list Content Creative Customers email marketing marketing send out something to increase engagemet small business marketing tip Success tips Tribe Building

Quote: “If we all did the things we are capable of doing we would literally astound ourselves.” Thomas Edison

Friday: Big Money Small Change


Do you have the best intentions, but can’t find the time?  It’s like when you have an amazing idea, you think it will be great, but then “poof” the time passes.

For example, I have a brilliant idea for the Christmas holiday shopping season and next thing you know, it’s December 23rd…


You want to do a welcome to summer event, and the ice doesn’t go off the lake till early May (not that I’m still bitter about that happening last year)

Here’s the deal.  You can make most things happen.  But you need a plan.  And that starts with old fashion paper and a pen.  Just brainstorm the ideas you want and the results you hope to achieve.  (the results on paper should be the motivator you need to get going)

I love using this type of plan/reward get going style when I think of my email list and the creation of content.  Not content you create on a consistent basis.  Special content… for example my booklet, The 5 C’s of the Infinity Marketing Machine.  Content that is designed to attract people to take action.

SO… using the plan/reward/ get going style… this type of booklet has a reward of growing an email list of people I’m trying to attract.  It’s hard work, but worth it when it’s finished!

NOW, here’s our “Big Money Small Idea” I got as an email from Pillsbury.

They sent out an email “Get your free gift” – it’s a download recipe cookbook.  They personalize the email and even include the day I joined their list.

Why would you want to send an email like this?

You already have someone on your list… what’s the point?


You will gain engagement.  This is a big deal.

More important is the result.  You can get rid of people with dead emails or that do not engage… emails do cost money.  If you are sending out several thousand emails that are not opened, you are being charged.

SO… you might want to create a neat download and send it out to your list – you’ll find out who is engaged and ready to receive your information, build your tribe!  HOWEVER, it is also a fantastic way to clean up your list and save money!



Tomorrow… come back for my episode on “Try This”!
PS:  Like my vibe? I want you to join my tribe! Begin with my quick and simple guide to understanding the 5C’s of the Infinity Marketing Machine.  I call it #doinginfinity.  Click Here and I’ll email you a FREE download.


Infinity Marketing Machine Daily Topics:
Monday – Character (Subject Matter Expert)
Tuesday – Content & Consistency
Wednesday – Midweek Motivation
Thursday – Infinity Customers
Friday – Big Money
Saturday – Try This!
Sunday – Week in Review

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