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ProfitCenterCoach.com – Episode 429 – Live Excellence.

1-Monday - Subject Matter Expert Business owner motivation Content excellent skills goals live with excellence marketing small business owner advice subject matter expert Success tips

“Excellence is not a skill. It is an attitude.” Ralph Marston

Monday: Subject Matter Expert

Today was a beautiful sunny day at the marina.  It was incredible!  It was also incredible because of what our crew was doing.  Mid-August brings a whole set of instability to the crew.

The reason I say instability is because my “new” crew needs to step up and fill the shoes of their “old” crew’s departure to college.  It’s always shaky.  But today we had a few short cuts that went against my belief.  The belief that when you live with excellence you’ll achieve it.

The example… ugh… I watched one of our guys drive the pontoon boat too close to the dock too fast.  Not only is it illegal… but it’s just dumb.  His skill set is perfectly capable to drive that fast, it wasn’t uncontrolled, it just has a very bad optic to our customers.  Did I mention it was dumb?

This is why you need to live according to excellence.

And that leads to positioning yourself as a Subject Matter Expert.  Excellence in what you do commands respect.  Respect gives you a voice.  That voice brings followers and followers elevate your status.

Be excellence and you will be viewed as excellent.

Here’s the deal… our boat runners have a talent level that is far superior to our customers.  This is amazing since they start at age 15 and our customers are in their 40’s! But because of their youth, they haven’t fully grasped the concept of  “perception” and they do something dumb like drive too fast too close to the dock.

Since our product is the care and handling of boats in addition to the promotion of safe boating, it’s bad for our brand when they drive “too fast”.

Perception affects your Subject Matter Expert status!  Therefore, if that one boat runner runners would just accept excellence as his attitude instead of merely operating as a boat driver with excellent skills, oh my… he’d skyrocket! But until he decides to be excellence, he’ll just have excellent skills.

Is this making sense?

When you decide that to live with excellence your Subject Matter Expert status will skyrocket, until then… you will just have excellent skills.

Live excellence, don’t just be excellent.


More tomorrow, make sure to come back for “Content and Consistency” — also join my vibe by subscribing to my tribe!  start here


Infinity Marketing Machine Daily Topics:
Monday – Character (Subject Matter Expert)
Tuesday – Content & Consistency
Wednesday – Midweek Motivation
Thursday – Infinity Customers
Friday – Big Money
Saturday – Try This!


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